Monday, August 3, 2009


Jelly Telly is a hit in my house. My kids get a huge kick out of the Fabulous Bently Brothers and Buck Denver. Recently, We tried ice cream with cereal because, as Buck Denver says
What is the difference in putting milk and sugar on your Cheerios vs. putting ice cream on your Cheerios? Isn't ice cream just milk and sugar?*
Personally, I love imitating Dr. Schniffenhousen's accent in so many different situations.

When I first turned on parental controls, however, my kids missed a few days of JellyTelly. This is due to the fact that you need to add two servers to your parental controls in order to get working

Ooyala is the video delivery service that JellyTelly uses to host video content.

* Family Verdict: The reason ice cream and cereal do not work is the Crunch™. Cereal is designed to need some of the liquid that the milk provides. The cereal is just a bit too crunchy without the milk. And by the time your ice cream melts enough to sog up the cereal then you have kind of missed the point.

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