Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This week I heard Rosalind Wiseman detail her family's Family Internet Policy.

Technology can be really fun to use, and it gives us incredible access to the world, but it is a privilege not a right, and because it is a privilege, you have the responsibility to use it ethically. What using technology ethically looks like to me is that you never use it to humiliate, embarrass ... or misrepresent yourself or someone else, never use a password without the person's permission, never share embarrassing information or photos of others, put someone down, or compromise yourself by sending pictures of yourself naked, half-naked or in your underwear. Remember that it is so easy for things to get out of control. You know it, I know it. So I reserve the right to check your online life, from texting to your Facebook page, and if I see that you're violating the terms of our agreement, I'll take your technology away until you can earn my trust back. This is my unbreakable, unshakeable law."

~ Rosalind Wiseman

How about your family? Do you have a Family Internet Policy?

Monday, February 22, 2010

The iPod Touch

This week marked a monumental move by Apple. They banned over 5,000 "overtly sexual" apps from the app store. These apps were making money for Apple and developers and this decision was not based on finances.

However, dear reader, there is something you should know about the iPod Touch. This machine is more than an iPod. It can play music, but you need to know that when it is in the vicinity of any wi-fi hotspot, this machine is as powerful as most laptop computers. It can browse any part of the internet. It can connect to youtube, facebook, twitter, myspace, instant messaging clients, etc.

The iPod Touch can even act as a cell phone with apps such as Skype and Fring. This is a powerful computer.

There are parental controls which are built into the iPhone and iPod Touch operating system. These are accessed by going to Settings | General | Restrictions. Until I write my own version, I would like to point you to this easy guide by Suren Ramasubbu